Two New Ebooks Coming Soon

While the first versions of these will be dedicated to non-profit organizations, I hope to publish additional versions targeted towards other markets. I’m planning to publish these ebooks through Smashwords, allowing me to reach additional e-reader audiences.  This will include Nook/Barnes & Noble, Apple’s system, and the Kobo market, as well as Amazon. by

Working Towards Something

Online-hands-LaptopWell, I spent almost 5 hours at Barnes & Noble today.  I thought I was going to work on the manuscript to my “how to make money with photos” books, but no.  I wound up taking the wrong laptop.  So instead I spent the time working on posts for the educational web site I set up to compliment the books.

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Ebook Sales

I’m going to talk about myself and my book sales.  It’s certainly not to rub it in anyone’s face, but rather as an examination of marketing efforts.  And frankly, I can’t use anyone else as an example because I don’t have access to their sales figures. 3 so far On June 29th, 2014 I published … Read more