Well, I’ve been telling my marketing clients to do this, so I finally took the plunge. I commissioned translations for my first book, Recognized Expert Status.

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I got my mixing board today. I’m not happy with my new XLR connection mic, but maybe the one I have can be retrofitted – I’m gonna look. Played an audiobook on my phone, and successfully brought that sound in with me. Now I have to figure out if a caller could hear themselves that … Read more
These are the other two covers for the nonfic books I’m working on. What do you folks think? by
Yup – here it is. The final version (I hope, anyway) of the cover for the print copy of Profile Your Target Market. Hope you like it! by
So my author friend Brantwijn Serrah posted this on her Facebook page, and I promptly stole it. If you love books, reading, authors, audiobooks, or any such nonsense, please repost it yourself. by
The German version of Recognized Expert Status is now live as well. It’s right here. by
Now live – the Spanish language version of my first book. See it here! by
Well, I’ve been telling my marketing clients to do this, so I finally took the plunge. I commissioned translations for my first book, Recognized Expert Status.
It doesn’t matter who the author is – myself or someone else – you can help them out immensely by leaving a review of their work. Amazon is great, but so is Goodreads, Nook.com, or even a review website/blog specializing in their genre. If you like to read, please pass along this post, or just … Read more
Well, that’s not entirely accurate. I’m teaching a course at the Downtown Writer’s Center in Syracuse. It’s run out of the YMCA. It’s not strictly about the things you do after you get your work published. It’s also about how to promote your published work by promoting it in your new work.