Unrepentant Old School Spaceist

I’m literally old school.  I was the only male in the high school typing class I took.  I remember other guys standing outside the door, making faces and threatening gestures at me though the glass because I had the temerity to  study what many believed to be a girls-only subject.  Only women, who were going … Read more

Latest Re-reading

My paperback copies have worn out, so I recently got a “softcover” boxed version of Tolkien’s Hobbit & Lord of the Rings.  Tiny little editions covered in fake leather, fitting neatly into the palm of my hand (I have rather big hands).  We recently got two new kittens from KittyCorner of CNY cat rescue, and … Read more

Podcast Equipment Almost Done

I got my mixing board today.  I’m not happy with my new XLR connection mic, but maybe the one I have can be retrofitted – I’m gonna look.  Played an audiobook on my phone, and successfully brought that sound in with me.  Now I have to figure out if a caller could hear themselves that … Read more

Interview – Target Market Book

My new book Profile Your Target Market is about to come out, and someone’s already interviewing me about it!  The always gracious Melissa Smith, a Virtual Assistant Staffer & Consultant, interviewed me for a discussion she was having with her virtual assistant students.  If you’re looking for a virtual assistant, or if you’re a VA and … Read more

What Happens After

3ps_002Well, that’s not entirely accurate.  I’m teaching a course at the Downtown Writer’s Center in Syracuse.  It’s run out of the YMCA.  It’s not strictly about the things you do after you get your work published.  It’s also about how to promote your published work by promoting it in your new work.

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