Slowly Working

I’m inching along, working on my next series of books about photography.  Specifically, they’ll be a series of books on making money taking pictures of students for kids’ activities.  Things like martial arts, dancing, gymnastics, cheerleading, etc.  One for each specific type of activity.

As a way of getting into the swing of things, I bought a new camera and some more equipment.  At least, that’s the reason I’m giving myself.  Of course there are our upcoming vacations where I’ll be dragging the camera – a Nikon D7100 with a new 16-300 superzoom Tamron lens – along with us to capture the sights.  I shot my model before I received my new equipment, but that won’t make the pix included with the books any less valid.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, at least the first one will be finished!

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