It’s Friday night. While others are out partying, I’ve been working on putting together a presentation I’m making next month for my book, Profitable Web Hosting. I’m not sweating or breathing hard, but I’m having fun.
It’s a short presentation – sort of a verbal sketch of the contents. Maybe 65 or 75 minutes, depending on how fast I talk and if I give them a break in the middle. It’ll be to interested parties at a local library. I’m pretty sure at least one person will be in the audience – the guy who proofread the book for me. Other than that. . . who knows?
I’m trying to follow the lessons in Alexei Kapterev’s Presentation Secrets. It’s really a good book, designed to eliminate “death by PowerPoint.” Most of my slides have only a headline for text, plus a picture. There are a couple that have text in the body, but not many. Then again, there are less than 20 slides in the prezzy. I want people to listen, not watch and read. I’ll make my notes and slides available afterward.
I’m going to try to video tape the live presentation, and then edit the individual slides into it. Once I get it done, it’ll go up on the companion site for the book, .
So. . . that’s what I’m up to tonight.